Emergency Card

Have you ever thought about the possibility that something happens to you and your pets will be left alone at home while you recover? The emergency card allows you to provide the contact details of trusted people, so that they can go and help your pet. In addition, it informs the emergency services of your medical information. Valuable information in credit card format, to download for free on this page.

A multifunctional emergency card, for your pet and you

Instinct Vagabond wanted to make this card multifunctional, while keeping a credit card format. It fits easily into your wallet, so you can always have it with you.

As dog sitters, we are often with our pets. However, it is not uncommon for them to find themselves alone at home. What would happen to them if something happened to us on the way to work?

When a person has an accident, faints, or is seriously injured, first aiders always look in the wallet to see if they can find any medical information. Especially if the patient is unconscious and cannot communicate. This allows them to provide first aid while limiting the risk of allergic reactions, for example.

But these cards, whether they are blood group cards, health cards, or organ donation cards, never indicate whether the person has pets left alone at home. That is why this multifunctional card was designed.

Information on the Instinct Vagabond emergency card

Very common in the USA, under the name "Emergency Pet Card", the emergency card also exists in Geneva, Switzerland, designed by the Geneva Dog Owners' Defense Movement (MDPCG). But it is still not very widespread in France.

Also, more than a precious sesame indicating to the firefighters or the SAMU the essential information about you, the emergency card created by Instinct Vagabond indicates:

  • That you have pets and that they are left alone at home.
  • The contact details of trusted people who can go and help them.
  • Your medical information: blood group, known allergies, current medical treatment, people to notify.
  • Emergency numbers for your animals: contact details of your veterinarian, emergency veterinarian number, numbers of veterinary poison control centers, as well as the short number for veterinary emergencies. This can be useful when traveling or during a road trip with a dog.
  • Emergency numbers to know to help a person: firefighters, SAMU, emergency police, sea or air rescue, single emergency number for Europe, etc.

Get your emergency card for free

To get this emergency card for free, simply fill out the form on this page and download it, or click on the following image:



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